Featured image for a blog article titled Kuma 1.2 GA Released With 20+ New Features Including Rate Limiting and L7 Traffic Routing.

We are happy to announce a new major release of Kuma! Kuma 1.2 ships with 20 new features and countless improvements. We strongly suggest to upgrade, in order to take advantage of the latest and greatest when it comes to service mesh.


  • 🚀 New L7 Traffic Routing policy to route - and modify - HTTP traffic per path, method, header or any other combination, with support for regex. Traffic can be modified before reaching the final destination too. This feature works in addition to the existing L4 traffic routing that Kuma provides. For example, route all /bar traffic to a foo service with:
type: TrafficRoute
name: l7-http-route
mesh: default
- match:
    kuma.io/service: '*'
- match:
    kuma.io/service: '*'
  - match:
      method: GET
        prefix: /foo
        rewritePrefix: /
      kuma.io/service: foo

With this feature, it’s also easy to implement feature flagging across different versions of our services.

  • 🚀 New Rate-Limit policy to protect our services from aggressive traffic, therefore protecting them from downtimes and improving the overall reliability of the applications. For example, we can rate-limit all request to the backend service with:
apiVersion: kuma.io/v1alpha1
kind: RateLimit
mesh: default
  name: rate-limit-all-to-backend
    - match:
        kuma.io/service: '*'
    - match:
        kuma.io/service: backend
      requests: 5
      interval: 10s
  • 🚀 The “Remote” control planes have been renamed to “Zone” control planes, and by doing so we have renamed the “Ingress” resource into “ZoneIngress”. This change was made after hearing the feedback of many users in the community that wanted more clarity in the naming of this resource.
  • 🚀 Traffic Permissions now work with External Services.
  • 🚀 Improved performance of our DNS resolution.
  • Countless improvements, including a fix for GCP/GKE’s erratic IPv6 support.
  • Updated to Envoy 1.18.3.

And a lot more! The full changelog is available here.

Livestream for Kuma 1.2

Watch a livestream about Kuma 1.2 showcasing some of the new features on Youtube. Also, feel free to ask any question on Slack.

Join us on the community call!

Join us on our community channels to learn more about Kuma, including our official Slack chat. The community channels are useful to get up and running with Kuma, as well as to learn how to contribute to and discuss the project roadmap. Kuma is a CNCF Sandbox project: neutral, open and inclusive.

The next community call will be hosted on June 23rd at 8:30am PDT. Also don’t forget to follow Kuma on Twitter and star it on GitHub!


Be sure to carefully read the Upgrade Guide before upgrading Kuma.

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